Home > Third Party Payer Directory, 2009
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Third Party Payer Directory, 2009
Product Info :
Third Party Payer Directory, 2009
Formerly titled Health Insurance Carrier Directory
Are you tired of chasing and third party payers around? Every year about 40 percent of all third party payers move, change names, change telephone numbers, merge with another company or go out of business.
Our directory features a comprehensive introduction to health insurance, medical claims processing, detailed instructions for completion of all health insurance claim forms, an alphabetical listing of over 2,000 third party payers and regulatory agencies with the addresses, telephone numbers and FAX numbers, website urls, plus special pages to add your own listings for local carriers, unions, and employer plans....everything you need for health insurance claim submission and follow-up.
Contact information for over 2,000 third party payers
CMS1500 claim form instructions
UB92 claim form instructions
ADA claim form instructions